Thamasoma Jyothirgamaya

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About us

At ,Vivekananda Central School ,we are committed to develop a community of learners where all are

made to acquire knowledge, skill and confidence to meet the challenges of an ever changing and

increasingly diverse society by:

  • Developing students with discipline, skill and self confidence
  • Providing excellent infrastructure
  • Rendering value-based education for personality development.
Rajasekharan Pillai

We are into

Our objectieves

To provide for value-based, meaningful and productive education and to provide for on-going training, research and documentation at the service of knowledge and life enhancement and community and nation building.


We conduct activities such as Interschool V.K Janardhanan Pillai Memorial Quiz Competition, Elocution competition in Malayalam for LP section, Elocution in English for UP, HS and HSS, Recitation in Malayalam for UP, HS


We provide various facilities for our students such as Bus to all routes, Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Botany Lab, Zoology Lab, Computer Lab, Smart Class and Library and playground of about one acre.

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Club Activites

IT Services

Faculty and staff

In spite of all the advanced equipments and teaching tools, the teacher remains the guiding force in education. The teachers at Vivekananda Higher secondary school are not just academically qualified to teach, but also a sensitivity and empathy towards the students to reach out and help them in their difficulties.


Our Latest News

News 1

Make the appearance of a mobile application that has quality and increases user convenience

News 2

Make the appearance of a mobile application that has quality and increases user convenience

News 3

Make the appearance of a mobile application that has quality and increases user convenience

Vivekananda Central School

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